Even after his death at the hands of the party, he would remain an unsent and challenge them at several turns over the course of their journey. He would enact the first step to his plan a mere two weeks before Tidus arrived in Spira, murdering his father and taking his place as a Maester of Yevon. The rejection and loneliness he suffered continued to affect his mind, and he grew to believe that he would need to become Sin and use it to destroy the world, freeing the Spirans from their eternal cycle of suffering. Many years later, his exile was revoked and he was allowed to return to the Guado people and help his father in his duties as a Yevon priest.

#Seymour natus fight free
Not caring for acceptance if it meant losing her, Seymour refused to use her Aeon, Anima, and chose to seal her fayth in the Baaj Temple where he would continue to mature, his isolation developing a nihilistic outlook where he believed that only death could free Spira from suffering. When he was ten years old, his mother brought him to Zanarkand, intending to become a fayth so Seymour could use her Aeon to destroy Sin and be beloved by the people of Spira. The son of Maester Jyscal Guado and a human woman, he was meant to foster positive relations between the two species, but was ostracized by both races due to his hybrid blood, forcing him to be raised in exile in Baaj. Seymour Guado is a secondary antagonist and temporary party member in Final Fantasy X.